When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive: to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

-- Marcus Aurelius

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Caffeine and Sugar Withdrawal

Caffeine and sugar withdrawal are the absolute worst things to go through. So much tougher than food cravings (I'm sure I'll change my tune about this once they hit full force). Or course, it seems like all of my cravings always involve sugar and caffeine! And salt, can't forget salt. Or chocolate. Lord, don't let me forget chocolate! --- but I digress, forgive me. I've done this before you know. I've cut out caffeine in the past. I've cut the hfcs for allergy testing. WHY did I start back on each of them? At the time, I must of thought I could handle just a little bit, once in a while. Well, you know what? A little bit ends up growing into a lot and every once in a while ends up growing into several times a day! It never fails. I get tired of the taste of water and milk and of hot herb teas. I want something --- MORE! I want something cold and yes, I'll admit it, sweet. Then I end up back where I was (drinking soft drinks), only worse (drinking more of them or going from no caffeine to decaffeinated soft drinks). If I don't kick this horrible habit of eating and drinking the wrong things, I'll be a goner. A body is just not made to survive carrying twice it's weight for more than a decade or two. Besides that, my knee is killing me and I'm tired of saying that. I'm too young to feel this damn old. That's what it boils down to. And I'd like to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up.

I've never been able to drink diet drinks. I've always hated the taste of them. I also don't like the idea of the chemical laden whatevers they put in, instead of sugar (or in most cases hfcs). As it turns out, that's a good thing for me. Sugar substitutes can cause migraines in some people. I get them enough without adding another source, thank you very much. So, I'm chugging down my filtered water and dreaming of Dr. Pepper at the moment. Battling a withdrawal headache and crabbiness too. Life, such as it is at the moment, goes on.


  1. I sure was thinking about ya!

    I hate diet pop too. YUCK!!!!!

    But I never get tired of milk or water.

    Can you use Truvia to sweeten your tea, etc? It is all natural and I think it tastes pretty good---I put it in certain flavors of tea.

  2. I don't know about Truvia. I'll try it and see what happens.
